FORBRAIN® can help individuals with:
✅ Dyslexia ✅ ADHD ✅ Speech Difficulties ✅ Speech Sound Disorders ✅ Auditory Processing Disorders ✅ Autism Spectrum Disorder
…and teachers, professionals, performers – anyone who would like to speak more clearly and confidently!
With FORBRAIN® you can enjoy
✅ Clearer speech
✅ Sharper attention
✅ Stronger memory
✅ Improved auditory processing
✅ Enhanced outcomes from therapy sessions
What our users think of FORBRAIN®

Forbrain is 100%

Clinically proven
to be effective

Up to a month with
standard use

Education field

Our unique technology

High-sensitivity Microphone
Our high sensitivity microphone captures the soundwaves of your voice as you speak, sending the information to the dynamic filter to be processed live.

Patented Dynamic Filter
To deliver your corrected voice, the patented filter amplifies high-frequency sounds and softens low-frequency sounds, all that while blocking environmental noise.

Bone Conduction Transducers
Our bone conduction technology transmits the sounds through your temporal bones 10x faster than it would travel through the air, allowing you to hear yourself better and more clearly in real-time.
What do experts say about FORBRAIN®?
How to wear the headset

1. Turn the headphones on by pressing the ON/OFF button.

2. Place the hoop behind your head, above your neck.

3. Place the headphones on the bone in front of the ears.

4. Adjust the microphone position to 1.2 inches (3cm) from the mouth.
Enjoy enhanced outcomes and improved rhythm, balance & coordination with the SOUNDSORY & FORBRAIN Bundle
If your child also experiences motor difficulties, you can see improved results by pairing the use of FORBRAIN with the SOUNDSORY program.

SOUNDSORY® is a multi-sensory home based program that helps improve motor and cognitive abilities. The program consists of specially designed musical pieces with neuro-acoustic modifications, and a series of videos with movement exercises.
Reach your full potential with no extra time or effort
Forbrain integrates seamlessly into your daily life. You can wear the headset for a few minutes per day while you:

Work in tandem with experts or parents
A simple solution, backed by science
The FORBRAIN® headset is a clinically evaluated device whose effectiveness has been proven by several scientific studies. Our one-of-a-kind patented technology helps you achieve better results with little to no extra time and effort input. Through rigorous research it has been proven to aid with auditory processing, reading, comprehension, attention, speech and communication.
Scientifically Proven Benefits of Forbrain® on Cognitive Functions
The person speaks directly into the microphone and FORBRAIN®’s dynamic filter modifies the voice, helping them to clearly hear the sounds, only slightly louder. High-frequency or ‘bright’ sounds are highlighted by the filter which energizes the brain. This allows the person to work on improving their auditory feedback loop.
More Reviews from our Users
I have seen tremendous improvement in her reading comprehension and reading rhythm, especially
Forbrain is recommended for daily use over a course of six to ten weeks for children through the elderly. Children 5 and below should use the product for roughly 10 minutes a day, while older children aged 5 through 15 are recommended to use the device for 15 minutes. Older teens, adults, and elderly should use the Forbrain daily for 10-30 minutes. The device should be used for a period of 10 weeks, then take a break and start the cycle again.
I used this product with my three youngest daughters, 13, 9, & 6. They each used the bone conduction headset for the allotted time for their ages. They each have a specific area I was trying to help them with from reading comprehension, memory, and attention span. They all eagerly wanted to try out our new toy, but first we had to let it charge up for a full 3 hours before the first use. Charging it was simple as I just plugged it into my desktop USB port. The light on the dynamic filter is red while it charges. Once the charging cycle is complete, the red light will turn off. A blue light will shine when the headset is on. I also went over instructions for its usage, because I must tell you this product is not cheap! It retails for $395 USD but if you have a child struggling, it is worth its weight in gold.
With Mikayla I have seen tremendous improvement in her reading comprehension and reading rhythm, especially. She used to read so fast without any pause and in such a monotone voice. Now that she has the headset on she can actually hear how she sounds and has made great strides in slowing down and reading. Her comprehension has skyrocketed too. She no longer reads a passage and cannot narrate back to me something she read. To help her get to this point I used the Echo and Accompanying technique, in which I overlaid my voice with hers. I would begin reading the passage and she would pick up {+/-} one-second lag. It was hard tedious work because she is a teenager and thinks she knows everything, but once she started seeing little results each day she was more eager to try and didn’t fuss too much.
For Montana and McKenzie I basically just wanted them to read aloud with the device on so they could hear their voices. Every day they would sit at the little desk next to my desk and read from their individual reading comprehension books or binders. I would follow along and correct them if they made a mistake. Other times for Montana, I would have her read her free reader out loud or a science book she was interested in reading aloud. Montana is my child who struggled to read because she could not hear the sounds the letters made. I wish we would have had this product a few years ago. She has made many strides as well in the last six weeks, as well as McKenzie. McKenzie is a petite girl, and the headset did not always fit right on her head. To solve this, I would tell her if she stopped hearing herself to tell me so that I could adjust the headset. It would be awesome if the Forbrain was adjustable for the kids with smaller features. However, this does not distract us from using the product at all.
When I first tried on the Forbrain it gave me a little start hearing my voice so clearly and actually hearing how I sound. It made me want to talk more and more and see what would happen if I changed pitch or made my voice loud or soft.
Overall, this is an awesome product and we will definitely keep using it daily in our homeschool. I have seen tremendous improvement in my three girls that I can wait until my son is just a bit older to use it with him for vocabulary development. Right now he is just a little too hands on and rough and I would hate for our bone conduction headset to get broken.

Warning: this Forbrain device may change your life
Well, at least it did for me! It changed me from a shy person into a very passionate self expressive person. When I have it on, I feel like I am recharging myself like an iPhone, always staying on 100%. I always tell people this is the single best investment I have ever made under 300 euros. It changed my life. I used to have a repellant feeling to speak, now I am often one of the most passionate people in the room. I never thought such a small device could have such a big impact on my life. When I lost it 1 time, without hesitance I purchased a new one.
Do yourself a favour and consider this product. It might just change your life.

It immediately helped during a school assignment as he could hear his own voice so well that he automatically started focusing
I was so excited when Forbrain – Sound For Life LTD sent me a package with their bone conduction headset to review! Today I am going to share with you how this headset has improved our memory and focus, is helping my toddler enunciate her speech (think home speech therapy without the bill!), helping my 6-year-old with his frustration and easy distractibility, and helping me improve my voice! We have all been wearing this headset these past 6 weeks and are having so much fun with it, and actually seeing results! Whether you have a child with Sensory Processing Disorder or issues, ADD or ADHD, speech delays, focus issues, or maybe you want to use it to improve your singing voice (or your child’s) or even help you remember why you walked into that room for the 5th time… you’ll want to read this review!
Using Forbrain in our Homeschool
When we first got the headset in the mail, it was painful to wait and let it charge, kind of like watching the water boil. We were beyond excited to try it out and as soon as it was ready we all took turns putting it on, laughing at what our voices sounded like, feeling the vibrations on our fingertips and just marvelling over it. The headset loops around your ears and has two pads that sit in front of your ear, resting on your bone and sending vibrations rather than air waves. The dynamic filter works to enhance particular parts of speech which increases memory, attention, and sensory processing. There are only 3 buttons, so it is really simple to use. There is an on/off button as well as a volume up and down button. The volume is set at an optimum level, however I found I needed to turn it down when I was singing.
We started off using it with my 6 1/2-year-old son. This little guy is at least a year behind in school and struggles with his confidence. He is very easily distracted and has a very short attention span, which makes homeschooling exceedingly difficult. We used this with him for 15 minutes each day. Some days he put it on while he did his math, other days he wore it while he read me his story, sometimes he wore it while he was telling us something or even singing a song. Over time he grew more confident with it and loved putting it on. I also found that it immediately helped if he was using it during a school assignment as he could hear his own voice so well that he automatically started focusing. In the long term we noticed a huge improvement in both his speech and focus.
I also had fun using this headset during teaching, in fact, I may have put it on more often than the kids. But hey, I have a brain like a sieve so if anyone needs it, it’s me! I often wore the headset while I taught a group subject or read aloud to the kids. I naturally started to enunciate my own words much better, you can’t help but be more detailed when you can hear yourself so well. I also noticed that I had an easier time focusing on the lesson and the kids. Rather than thinking of twenty other things, it was as though the second I put those ear phones on, my brain locked into gear and I was able to give my full attention to my children.
Using Forbrain to improve my singing
When I saw that you could use Forbrain to improve your singing I couldn’t help myself. I sing and play piano every single day of my life. It is like my respite from the world. But I have never had the opportunity to take voice lessons and I know that my voice is highly untrained. I would love to work on it but live in an area where there isn’t any access to a voice teacher. The first time I put this on to sing, I sang very quietly. My voice sounded SO different when conducted through my bones rather than heard in the air waves, I lost a bit of confidence. I wondered if this was what my voice sounded like, it seemed nasal and airy and I noticed every little instance that I went off pitch or was breathing wrong. But this hyper-sensitivity to my voice allowed me to start to work on these aspects. I started to pay more attention to my breathing, the piano couldn’t hide my voice any longer and I was forced to sing with more control and dedication. I noticed a huge improvement. I took a video of both my son counting with more info into how it works as well as me singing if you want to see how it works and some of the improvements I have found so far.
Using Forbrain for Speech Therapy
Although there are many more uses for this headset, the third use that we have been most impressed with is for speech therapy. Because Forbrain allows you to hear your voice so clearly and really focus on it, we have noticed an improvement in ALL of our enunciation and pronunciation. The most marked difference is in my toddler, Janiah. Janiah is 2 1/2 and she is the little dolly in the main photo, I’ll share it again because seriously, how cute?
We would put the headset on for about 5 minutes each day and just talk to one another. When she said something that sounded really hard to understand or wasn’t pronouncing her vowels, we would say it back and forth a few times. She didn’t say it perfectly, but she improved. And what really struck me is that she improved long term. Though she still isn’t pronouncing all of her consonants and vowels, when she did start saying a word better, she would say it better a week down the road when the headset was off too. We are still working with her on this front, but the improvement I have seen so far means that I would seriously consider this if your child has speech delays.